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My name is Tracey Lawrence, and I am a freelance writer. I've been blessed to be able to collaborate with clients who have a needed message for our culture and the Church of our times. Having an affinity with my clients is very important and helps me produce quality work that meets the needs of each audience. I have a great love for church history and theology, which is evident in my work.  I believe the written word is limited, and even meaningless, without God. As the wise sage of Ecclesiastes said, "Of making many books there is no end and much study wearies the body. . . . here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man." Though I know my craft is limited, I pray it presses the reader toward the unlimitedness of God.


Scribe Ink, Inc. provides collaborative writing and editing services for the publishing industry, higher education, authors, various churches and parachurch ministries. If your institution or ministry needs assistance in developing books, book proposals, learning resources, sermons, articles, curriculum, or online courses, please feel free to contact me at your convenience.



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